Master Key In Florida

Master Key -Week 16 – More Thoughts


I like going through the cards. About 50% of what’s written on my cards are things that I have done that I can look back on with a sense of accomplishment.  There are other things I listed that would be considered small achievements, but meant something to me. I never stopped to make a list like that. I can’t say I like doing the drills, but it’s part of the program, so I do them. What I’ve come to realize is that, whether I like the drills or the other things we have to do,  the total effect is one of gradually being wrapped in a cocoon of positivity.

It’s not until you become aware of the increased positivity that has come into our lives that you realize how much negativity had been there. The more we do the drills,  the more we chase out the remaining negativity. I can’t say that this will transfer to a greater ability to achieve our DMP, but it will definally make us happier.

What continually amazes me is that much of what we’re learning is not new. Yet, the MKMMA team has put it all together in such a way as to make it all available for immediate use.




Author: masterkeyinflorida

I am supposed to be retired, but I really just changed jobs. We recently moved from CA to FL, where we're restoring a fixer upper that is turning into our dream house, and I'm also in the process of writing a series of children's books.

4 thoughts on “Master Key -Week 16 – More Thoughts

  1. Isn’t it cool that we get to list “small” accomplishments but they usually mean something since we remember them? 🙂 Thank you for sharing your dedication.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is great, Sonia, You´re doing the work and reaping the rewards of Your efforts. Awesome!!!
    Thanks for sharing and letting Your light shine!

    Mahalo, I appreciate You!


  3. Nice post Sonia. Your commitment is admirable.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I had to smile when I saw your last paragraph. It has crossed my mind so many times how most of the small tasks were not really new to me. I just never thought about combining everything into one focus area. Definitely thankful for the MKMMA!

    Liked by 1 person

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